© Pierre-Jayet

“The Col de Porte? That’s where I learned to ski! Listen to the natives and they’ll tell you that Col de Porte is the ideal ski resort for a family holiday in the mountains, combining calm, sport and authenticity. A favorite resort of the Grenoble Alpes region, this little resort just 30 minutes from Grenoble is perched at 1326 m altitude in the Chartreuse Regional Nature Park.


The 3 peaks that proudly watch over the Col Porte are sure to delight, offering a sporting, soothing and contemplative interlude:

                • Chamechaude, to the east, is the highest point in the Chartreuse massif at 2,082 metres
                • Le Charmant Som, to the north, is the summit for families to climb in summer and winter (but with snowshoes).
                • La Pinéa, to the west, is recognizable by its pointed shape. Its rocky summit offers a breathtaking 360° panorama of the Chartreuse and the Grenoble metropolis.

The ideal resort for learning winter sports. Trails and itineraries for downhill skiing, Nordic skiing, ski touring and snowshoeing offer you your first gliding sensations in an enchanting natural setting.

© Alain DOUCE

Outdoor activities in harmony with nature. For the rest of the year, the Col de Porte ski slopes are green and popular with mountain bikers, trail runners and hikers.
All of these activities coexist and cooperate with pastoralism and the development of meaningful businesses, in line with a more eco-responsible and environmentally-friendly 4-season tourism.

It’s no coincidence that the inhabitants of the Grenoble Alpes region hold the Col de Porte high in their hearts. Just 30 minutes from Grenoble city center and accessible via the MTag network’s 62 bus line, it’s not uncommon to come across locals at the Col de Porte, whether on their lunch break, after a day’s work or with their families at the weekend.


See you at Col de Porte on January 24 for stage 10 of the Grande Odyssée VVF 2024!